- You can find influentials in every walk of life .
- 在各行各业中,你都会发现一些有影响的人物。
- A particular environment or walk of life .
- 某个特殊的环境或行业。
- But the real problem is that government officials have far too dominant a role in picking winners and losers in almost every walk of life .
- 但真正的问题是,政府官员在生活中几乎每个方面都有绝对的话语权。
- Because we are from the same walk of life we have many common topics .
- 因为我们职业相同,所以我们有很多共同的话题。
- In any walk of life disappointments will go before success .
- 不管你干哪一行,成功之前必定要经历失败。
- Funds are essential in every walk of life .
- 资金是必不可少的各行各业。
- Presentation skills are important in any walk of life .
- 各行各业中,表述的技巧都是很重要的。
- Nowadays education plays significant roles in nearly every walk of life .
- 当下,教育在几乎各行各业都起至关重要的的作用。
- The internal evidence of the bible also includes the fact that it tells one story with consistency - though it was written over 1500 years on three different continents by 40 different authors from every walk of life .
- 圣经内部的证据也包括它讲了一个连环故事尽管被写是关于3个不同大洲的40个来自每个生活领域的不同作者的故事超过了1500年的事实。
- Walk of life : the bovey girls ( left to right claudia amelia lily ) ' go egyptian ' on the beach
- 走向生活:从左到右依次是,克罗蒂亚,艾米莉亚和莉莉,在沙滩上扮埃及人。