with a pinch of salt
基本解释adv. 有保留地
- Moreover the rogue trader label should be taken with a pinch of salt .
- 另外,我们应该带着怀疑的态度看待“流氓交易员”这类指控。
- True bread is flour and water with a pinch of salt and yeast .
- 正宗的面包是面粉加水,少量盐及发酵粉制成的。
- The international attention today on the rise of state capitalism needs to be taken with a pinch of salt .
- 国际关注的“国家资本主义的崛起”如今要给它泼点冷水了。
- So take with a pinch of salt all manifestos about complete openness .
- 因此,对于任何有关完全开放的宣言,我们都要有所保留。
- This new-found zeal for serving consumers needs to be taken with a pinch of salt : at & t now gets the worst customer-satisfaction ratings among the main mobile operators .
- 对于这种刚刚出现的为客户服务的热忱,人们应该有保留地相信,因为at&t现在在主要移动通信运营商客户满意度评级中成绩最差。
- You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt she does tend to exaggerate .
- 她说的你都应该半信半疑,她喜欢夸张。
- You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt .
- 她老是别有用心对她说的话你失少留心.
- Investors should take reports of the launch of china 's first hedge fund with a pinch of salt .
- 投资者对于“中国首只对冲基金”诞生的报道应当有所保留。
- So when he intimates that doing business there is not substantially harder than it ever was it may be time to take the complaints of the us and european union chambers of commerce in beijing with a pinch of salt .
- 因此,当雅各布暗示,目前在中国做生意并不比以往难很多时,我们或许该对北京美国和欧盟商会发出的抱怨,持几分保留态度了。
- As 2008 draws to an end and global recession looks imminent you might be forgiven for taking some of these projections with a pinch of salt .
- 随着2008年接近尾声,全球衰退似乎已近在眼前,如果你对其中一些预测持保留态度的话,那也许是可以理解的。