Banks have been robbed by their own employees year after year through bonuses .
And it 's here year after year that israel is unjustly singled out for condemnation .
For example pubmed query processing does not change dramatically year after year .
Farmers frequently level off such gullies after harvesting in the fall he said and then replant the same low-lying areas year after year leaving them susceptible to further erosion .
Furthermore despite the rise in its nominal value the yen is not particularly expensive in real terms thanks to year after year of untreated deflation .
By staying one step ahead of our immune systems the flu virus can infect large numbers of people year after year .
A property tax raises revenue year after year in contrast to a land lease which can be sold only once .
As people look to the internet for news and young people turn away from papers paid-for circulations are falling year after year .
The cost of sequencing and synthesizing dna has crashed year after year making biological engineering easier for people to do .