Person who performs or tries to perform good deeds, esp in an unrealistic, interfering or fussy way
Bad reviews can be the kiss of death to a new West End play.
For goodness sake, don't criticize the management in front of our customers;you won't help us by rocking the boat.
Cindy: Gee, that's tough luck. How about I come over and help?
She didn't realize that by complaining she was only playing Peter's game.
I'd like to help, but I can't on the level!
我倒是愿意帮忙, 但是无能为力--说老实话!
They may not be able to help but there's no harm in asking them.
他们可能帮不上忙, 但求他们一下倒也无妨。
The support of the Radical group was the kiss of death to the candidate.
Help out, don't hinder.
帮帮忙, 不要碍事。
I'm sure you'll help me out, Miss Hsu?"
"Come," said Danglars, "you appear to me a good sort of fellow, and hang me, I should like to help you, but"--
He has rendered a major disservice to our cause of plain English.
Granny? Can I help you?
Commissioner Pu is willing to help-"
Pull for her with your advice.
I'd be only too glad to help.
Would you be kind enough to/be so kind as to help me?
Be a good soul and help me.
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