When handling the contract disputes for purchasing commodity house by installment, which is directly related to the comsumer s benefits, there will be a lot of problems, such as loan interest and the calculation of the principal, compulsory insurance of mortgage, contract registration of advance booking of commodity house, etc.
作者认为 ,在处理分期付款购买商品房的合同纠纷时 ,直接涉及房地产消费者利益的有 :贷款利息与本金的计算 ;强行按揭保险 ;商品房预售合同登记等问题 ,由于法律规定的不完善 ,直接损害了广大房地产消费者尤其是分期付款购房的消费者的利益 ,必须加以解
The Development and Legal Perfection of Mortgage Guarantee Insurance of Housing;
The HKMC fully hedges the exposure of the guarantee by taking out an insurance of equal amount with a mortgage insurer.
The HKMC operates prudent purchasing criteria, with the aim of ensuring that its portfolio remains of the highest asset quality.
In the second phase, the HKMC securitises the mortgages into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and offers them for sale to investors.
Under the scheme, the HKMC provides a guarantee at a fee to the lending bank for an amount up to 15 per cent of the value of the property.
The HKMC launched a back-to-back MBS Programme in October 1999.
Since its commencement of business in October 1997, the HKMC has proceeded smoothly with its Mortgage Purchase Programme.
We are also making good progress in promoting fixed rate mortgages.
The HKMC's business is being developed in two phases.
Notarization notification about the merchandise building mortgage loan contract;
In 2000, the MIP was expanded to cover mortgage loans with a loan-to-value ratio from 85 per cent to 90 per cent.
"""charge"" means any form of security, including a mortgage;"
On The System Design Of Bank Mortgage Guarantee In The Way Of Hypothecation;
Protection of Bank Right and Interests in the Mortgage of Commodity Apartment
The HKMC has securitised $2.26 billion of MBS with two of its key business partners.
With the launch of the Mortgage-backed Securities (MBS) in October, the HKMC entered the second phase of its business plan.
Debt issuance is the mainstay of the HKMC's funding sources.
Analysis of the risk to Housing Mortgage loanasset securities in Commercial Bank of China;
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