The acquisitive prescription system is an important constituent of the prescription system,and is adopted by many countries practicing the continental law system.
This thesis focuses on the value of the acquisitive prescription,and makes relevant design about the system,hoping that it is useful for the establishment of acquisitive prescription system in the Civil Code of our country.
The necessity of establishing positive prescription system in China;
On the legislative proposals to establish the system of positive prescription
There are two aspects of the inscape of positive prescription, that is, possession and a certain session experienced.
In modern time, the system of property registration which regards the registration of immovable as a core can t replace the value of the acquisition prescription.
从对相关制度的比较分析中可见 :在存在动产善意取得、先占 ,以及对遗失物、拾得物的占有取得等诸项制度的情况下 ,动产时效取得仍有其适用的逻辑空间 ;以不动产登记为核心的现代财产登记制度亦不能取代取得时效的适用价值 ;设立取得时效制度符合立法的效率原则。
Acquisition prescription originated from The Roman Law, constructs the traditional prescription system together with negative prescription in civil law system.
The institution of usucaption has been accepted by many countries.
取得时效制度已经被大多数的国家所承认 ,而我国的民法通则并没有规定取得时效制度。
In the system of usucaption(or, usucapio, usucapion), the holder should have the subjective desire to have the object or make the object for his/her own, but not necessarily be bona fides.
取得时效的占有人须有为自己所有或为自己的主观意思 ,不以善意为必要 ;占有人必须公开地、和平地、持续不间断地占有 ;占有的客体范围是他人的财产或财产权利 ,但排除不可转让的物以及某些或依其权利性质或依其表现形式或依其行使特点不得适用善意取得的权利 ;占有的时间依不动产、动产应有不同规定。
Usucaption regime is an ancient law system.
On Usucapio in China;
The article traces the origination of usucapio,compares of different kinds of usucapio in countries and regions all over the world and discusses the necessity of establishing usucapio under market economy.
The article explains usucapio is possible and necessary by the way of the comparative rearch and Marxism.
Through comparison and analysis between various legislative systems of Usucapion and Negative Prescription in different countries, this article suggests the solutions to the law conflicts of Prescription and thus expresses individual views on aspects of the legislation of Prescription and the it\'s conflicts of law.
To establish the system of uscapion suitable to the national conditions of China is one of the important problems to be solved in the civil law in China in the future,among which the most important is how to prescribe the requistites for usucapion.
Analyses of the Applicability and Efficacy of the Acquisition Prescription System;
Necessity of Acquisitive Prescription System in Property Rights Law;
On the Establishment of Negative Prescription System in China s Civil Law;
The Comparison of Usucapion and Prescription of action--and the Necessariness and Rationality of their co-enactment;
Maintenance or Discard on Acquisitive Prescription System:Also on the Missing and Construction of Acquisitive Prescription in Property Law in China
On the Application of Acquiring Limits on Personal Relation Law and Public Law;
On the Application of Acquisitive Prescription to the Acquisitive Prescription in Cases of Joint Heritage;
The Analysis of Acquisitive Prescription from Law and Economics Aspect;
The necessity of establishing positive prescription system in China;
As for the bona fide possession, it isn't the constitutive requirements of chattel ownership, yet should be given shorter limitation period.
Usucapio ex lucrativa causa
prescriptive rights
The Bush-McCain doctrine needs to be given time to work.
Claiming the money was acquired in prior years barred by statutes of limitation
Conclusion Satisfying therapeutic effect can be achieved so far as the patients with heatstroke are emergently treated with correct steps.
Satisfactory results were achieved last year.
-- Achievements have been made in afforestation.
-- Achievements have been made in eco-agriculture.
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