The Construction of Cooperation Mechanism about Elite and People in the Process of Rural Governence;
The implications of these stories in Yunnan minority areas are quite different from China s orthodox ethics,especially the relevant ideas embodied in Confucianism,and these differences reveal the significance and deficiencies of these minority people s ethics about friendship.
From the perspective of Folklore,the author points out that gravestone and epitaph have profound and comprehensive relation with people s religious beliefs,ethical concept,lifestyle,as well as social structural connotation.
To promote its development and new countryside construction,government should function in harmony with masses force.
For the description of the cave metaphor in the Republic which hidden a complicated relationship about the philosopher s legislation for the masses.
Participatory Consciousness of the Common People in Han Dynasty as Reflected by Folk Provtrbs;
During six dynasties,the stories were the reflection of common people s spiritual life,among which were the ghost tales indicating people s viewpoints on life and death.
The folk rhymes reflect the common peoples care and foundamental political trend for political phenomena.
In traditional Chinese society,the populace family ethical views are not as standard and strict as that of the upper social strata.
At the same time the attached more and more importance to the functions of the populace in the course of history.
先秦秦汉时期 ,一些有远见的思想家和政治家对上天和所谓代表上天的君主的作用产生了质疑 ,而对民众在历史发展进程中的作用则越来越重视。
B) To regulate relations between army and people, to love and respect the populace, to restrain a monarch, to ensure the basic conditions of people s livelihood, "to enrich" and "to educate" people, a.
本文论述:A、孔子人权观之哲学根蒂和理论基石,发端于对人的“类”属性的发掘与认同;B、调整君民关系,受重民众,约束君主;保障基本经济生活条件,“富”而且“教”,提高生存质量,是孔子关于人民生存权思想的两大要义; C、否定暴君苛政,反对残害生命,强调“足食足兵”以抗御外来侵略,保障国民集体安全,是孔子关于民众生命(安全)权思想的三大主张。
The Relationship between Demos Emotional Intelligence and Subjective Well-Being;
The novel metaphorical indicate the finality of classicality and dayspring of modernity By the unique time and space form、character mundaneness、the relations of the illuminative intellectual and demos.
Since Chinese reform and opening up,ethnic traditional sports is disappearing,deviating even in a severe danger during social transition,while the demos are changing from successor,watcher to stander-by and developer of ethnic traditional sports.
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