The Modern Chinese civil procedural law is germinated in the later half of 19th century, emerged in the Qing dynasty and basically completed in the thirties of 20th century.
中国近代民事诉讼法学 ,萌芽于 19世纪下半叶 ,诞生于 2 0世纪初叶的清末修律 ,成长于 2 0世纪30年代中华民国南京政府时期民事诉讼立法的基本完成。
The problems existing in the teaching materials for the course of civil procedural law lie in their lagging behind in contents, being inapproriate in arrangement and having discrepancy with the existing legislation.
民事诉讼法学教材方面存在内容陈旧、内容安排不合理、教材内容与现行法律规定不符等问题 ,因此提出教材应符合新颖性、准确性和科学性的要求 ;案例教学中对案例的选取要严格 ,案例教学要有目的、有计划地进行 ,案例的运用要讲究技巧 ,方能收到预期效果 ;教学中要善于将讲授内容与民事实体法和刑事诉讼法中的相关内容进行比
On the Controlling Power Attribute of Civil Procedure Law;
The Impossibility of Discontinuity of Limitation of Action on the Basis of Bringing a Lawsuit——The Application of Article 140 of General Provisions of the Civil Law and the Modification of Article 219 of China Civil Procedure Law
Based on the teaching requirements of the course of civil procedure law and the characteristics of practicality, professionality and openness for paralegal talent cultivation, the authors discuss how to construct a course content system, in which civil litigation process is the main theoretical teaching content, and the major links of civil litigation and t.
The Coordination between Civil Procedural Law and Civil Substantive Law;
On Several Issues about the Amendment of Civil Procedural Law;
Rational Research on the Reasons of the Civil Retrial Procedure in China——Take the amendment of the civil procedural law in 2007 as target
The arbitration law mainly originates from the civil procedure act and the contract law.
我国民事诉讼法和合同法是仲裁法的重要渊源 ,完善仲裁法律体系 ,不仅需要对仲裁法本身进行修改和完善 ,而且还应对民事诉讼法和合同法进行修改和完
The controversy focus was the workout of criminal and civil procedure law.
The Emergence and Development of Chinese Modern Civil Procedural Law;
Multimedia Teaching in the Undergraduate Course of Civil Procedural Law;
A Review of China s Civil Procedural Law Study;
Brief Introduction to the Eighth National Seminar on Civil Procedural Law;
The appliance of using system theory in civil procedure law research;
Science of Chinese Civil Procedure Law s in the Past Fifty Years and in the Future;
Review and Forecast of the 60 Years of New China Civil Procedural Law Science
the code of civil [criminal] procedure
民事 [刑事] 诉讼法
Research into the Legal Remedies of the Litigation Rights of the Civil Parties;
Teaching Reform and Research on Civil Procedural Law in Vocational College;
The Civil Procedure Between the Areas Should be Added in the Civil Procedure Law;
Defining the Civil Procedure Model and the Modifying the Civil Procedure Law;
A Concise Discussion on the Relationship between Penal Procedure Law, Civil Procedure Law and Administrative Procedure Law;
The Utilization of Multimedia Teaching Methods in Procedural Law of Civil Affairs;
Some Thought of Law and Economics on Measures to Perfect the Civil Legal Cost System;
On Defects of Protection of Suit Rights in China s Civil Procedural Law;
The diversification of the civil lawsuit and constitutional lawsuit proceedings;
Modernization of Civil Procedure Legal System and Pattern of Litigation s Reconstruction;
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