Therefore, we should abolish death penalty on economic crimes through the measures such as changing conceptions,enhancing management, and improving systems.
Now, Our country is being in the transitional period of abolishing the death penalty.
Because of history and reality, it s not realistic to utterly abolish death penalty in our country.
On the Trend of Death Penalty From Restriction to Abolishment——Beginning with death sentence for yield to the public voice;
It is disputing so far on the theory circle that under what conditions,the legal effective administrative behavior,can be cancelled?altered or abrogated .
It concludes that the abolition of death penalty is justifiable.
Basing on the policy,legislation and jurisdiction of the death penalty,it should be abolished way-by-way,surpassing the symbol function of the death penalty, limitations and regulation defections of the death penalty,surpassing the unreason of the popular will,through the leadership concern,the objective of the currenct limitation and the future abolition can be reached.
Being ethical and cultural assembly, the retention or abolition of capital punishment should not be discussed separating from the concrete and timely circumstances of some country.
当代中国之死刑需要在理性与感性的互动过程中渐入现代化之路 ,绝不能人为地强行废止 ;现实的妥当举措乃顺沿一般之强化、限制再到废止之轨迹 ,通过立法与司法双重限制之机制 ,达于最终废止之目的。
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