A Study of infertility patients Ethical Attitude towards the Artificial Insemination Technology;
Objective:To study the ethical attitude of infertility patients and the public towards the artificial insemination technology,with the aim of its better clinical application.
Confucius said: "I have never seen one who really loves humaneness or really hates nonhumaneness.
If you really loved humaneness you would not place anything above it. If you really hated the nonhumaneness, you would not let it near you.
The Man who has Ren can Like and Disgust Human;
: Confucius said: "If you lack humaneness you cannot handle long periods of difficulty or long periods of comfortability. humane men are comfortable in humaneness. The wise take advantage of humaneness."
"The good bring order to the world, the bad plunge it into confusion."
"All men, apart from the very good and the very bad, are much alike"
Confucius said: "Only the humane person is able to really like others or to really dislike them."
A Textual Interpretation of "The Man Who has Ren can Like and Disgust Human" in The Analects of Confucius
A wise man is never cheated; a virtuous man is never worried and a courageous man is never afraid.
unwilling or unable to forgive or show mercy.
Bad beginnings have ever bad endings.
A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies or the wicked are cruel.
Some apologists of feudalism glibly talk about the feudalist tenet of being benevolent, righteous , courteous, consistent and trustworthy, yet they committed all sorts of crimes.
有些封建卫道士侈言仁义礼志信, 但却无恶不作。
"The very good are born at a propitious time when the world is well governed, the very bad in times of calamity when danger threatens."
Although we may not be humane by nature, how can we not be wise ones who strive to be humane?
kernel fruit (excl. of apricot)
Every one thinks in his way.
Different people see from different standpoints, their own interest in every case directing their judgement.
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