Germanic law is undoubtedly one of the most important historical sources ofwestern law besides Roman law and Canon law.
Discussion on the Reasons for Ri(日) of J in Midi(金日磾) Being Pronounced "Mi";
The essay make some new point to the explaination of Ri(日)?Su( 夙)?Wai(外)?Long(龙)on the《Shao Wen Jie zi》.
A Research into Cultural Causes of "Valuing Moon Above Sun" in Poetic Images;
The Chinese myths of the sun and the moon contain the system of the national spirit, which is established by the symbolic prototypes.
在中国的日月神话中 ,蕴涵了一个由象征原型建构起来的民族精神模式 :一是太阳神话的象征原型 ,由日神帝俊转化而成的三足“乌” ,熔铸了父神创造万物的理性进取精神 ;二是月亮神话的象征原型 ,由月神常羲转化而成的母神嫦娥以及作为生殖神的蟾蜍、兔子 ,整合了母神通过生育而实现的种族不死的永恒精神 ,汉魏六朝之际形成的桂与吴刚神话 ,则把这种追求永恒的精神落实到了个体之上 ;三是日月和合的象征原型 ,它代表了刚刚摆脱无意识之“水”后所形成的对永恒之进取的文化新人的产生。
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